Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Spring Cometh Early

The groundhog did not see his shadow this year, predicting an early spring. It's a fun tradition but for those of us who are not delusional, we know the scientific reality of our current climate. I'll just leave it at that. It's a nice sunny Tuesday off and on top of this, a mental health appointment, running errands and getting ready for the rest of the work week, a nice long walk is in order. I'll be catching up on workouts and trying to avoid sugar until Friday evening as I've been lazy and out of control. I've come to realize my discipline is almost nonexistent because my outlook on life has completely transformed over the past few years. But that's an entirely separate novel to be written. This past weekend was nice. I managed to vacuum my house Saturday before going to Ctown to hang out with the Goss'. We went for a deer spotting ride out towards Charlestown but only managed to find horses. We had Tremont for dinner and had adult basement time before heading home in a slushy wintry mix mess around 930. Sunday, I was incredibly lazy and didn't get out of bed until 2 PM (technically 1PM but Sunday morning was daylight savings time). Despite that, I managed to do a pile of dishes and a living room workout. One small but satisfying task I did was getting my old Au Bon Pain gifts cards replaced by Panera ones so they can be used. I also redid my passwords paper.

I left off last almost a week into last month. That weekend was a home weekend. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did some laundry and went for a walk. Sunday, I did the dishes, grocery shopped, made nachos, replaced the fridge water filter, cleaned the volcano, and got through almost the first half of the super bowl before giving up and going to bed. Usher put on a great show, or so I heard. I had Wednesday that week off and was surprisingly productive. I dropped my computers off down the road to finally start the process of getting rid of my old laptop. I went to Heater Rd. to get labs drawn then headed home to spend time resolving our billing problem with Casella. I had a JP inspection, cleaned my bathroom and finished the day by watching Charlie's basketball game in Enfield.

The following weekend was busy and social. I picked up Simone in the morning and headed straight to Polly's Pancake Parlor for brunch with the Dickersons, Goldens and 2 other ladies. We then headed to Littleton to check out Chutters and a few other stores on Main St. After that, we had our 2PM date at the ice castles which were pretty cool even during the day time. After we got home, we went back out to do some shopping at Sephora and Target and grab Lui Luis for dinner. We stayed up late relaxing and watching movies. In the morning, we got Dunky's for breakfast and did some more shopping. We hung out here until it was time to take her home, making a pit stop at Tracy's to play with their new kittens for a little bit. After dropping off Simone, I made a pit stop at Susans to drop off a dish and ended up staying a bit to visit. I went home to vacuum and wash my bedding and get ready for the work week. I had Thursday off that week and did dishes, took a walk, and computer stuffies. 

The following weekend was quiet. Saturday, I did laundry, vacuumed the house, cleaned the girls' potty room and did a barre class. Sunday, I ran errands and grocery shopped.

The following weekend was my phenomenal scheduled 4 day weekend. Friday, I took a walk and spruced up my guest room. Saturday, I got up and vacuumed the house before getting ready to head to New London to tour CSC with Danielle, Madison and Beth. It was super fun to be included and to go back in time for a few hours. Afterwards, they followed me to my house and we hung out for a bit before heading to Molly's for dinner. Another super fun time and I also ended up running into Doug from work and Mike Theroux; also saw Trish from a short distance. We went to the store to get dessert and spent the rest of the evening chilling, chatting and playing a family friendly version of CAH before calling it a night. Danielle was up, showered and eating breakfast by the time I got out of bed. We got to chat before Madison got out of bed. It was really nice to see what a lovely little human Madison has turned out to be. They headed out around lunchtime and I finished the day doing some laundry, the dishes and the first half of a barre class. Monday, I did some more laundry, finished the barre class, ran some errands, meal prepped and took a bubble bath. Until next time...

Quinn is making great social progress.

Caffy is a bitch.

Katie Britt is a piece of stool.

I've housed 7 boxes of girl scout cookies in the past month.

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are afforded the same rights as children.

Donald Trump is the griftiest grifter to have ever existed.

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