Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Godfarter on Trial

 Time flies; this entry is already almost 2 weeks late siiiiigh. The procrastination stops now and I'm also going to do this a little bit different this time. Instead of musing about what's going on now and in recent days first, I'm going to start where I left off last. So without further adieu, here we go. 

I last filed on the 12th and that weekend was relatively quiet. On Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry and computer stuffies, and took half a barre class. On Sunday, I took the other half of the barre class, grabbed groceries, finished up some laundry, did a little meal prep, and hung out at the Dickerson household for a bit. My day off that week was Wednesday and apparently the only productive thing I did was a pile of dishes.

The following week, I was on staycation so I'll stick with the blog style I usually do to document wonderful work-free weeks; a list:                                                                                                                  Sat: vacuumed the house, washed bedding, did a living room workout.                                                        Sun: cleaned the girls' potty room, made a pizza.                                                                                            Mon: dental cleaning, errands, laundry, started reading my Lebanon history books that were gifted to me.  Tues: I made pancakes, did the dishes and took a bubble bath.                                                                        Wed: I went to ctown to watch Maddy give a speech and receive the St. Josephs sports award for her senior class. There was a catered dinner and I actually had a friendly conversation with Jesse.                      Thurs: took a half barre class, grabbed some groceries, and met here with some neighbors to discuss the first real possibility of our community being finished.                                                                                      Fri: I got up and brought a salad and rolls in for Hillary's birthday potluck and hung out for a bit. I also cleaned my bathroom and took half a barre class.                                                                                            Sat: I took the other half of the barre class, grocery shopped and vacuumed the house.                                Sun: spent the day at the Dickersons for Easter. We pigged out and lounged around inside and out.

The following weekend was my long weekend. Friday, I had my physical and ran some errands afterwards while I was out and about. My physical confirmed an 8 pound weight gain in the past year. Yikes, and oops. I also need to start addressing my lady issues. First step will be finding a gynecologist to start working on bothersome symptoms...just call me sweaty betty. Once I got home, I started sifting through various sources of pictures to compile a collection for a social media post for Maddy's 18th birthday. In the process, I discovered that a bunch of pictures failed to survive the transfer from old to new laptop. I'm still processing the profound disappoinment in my inaction and I hope the majority of those lost pictures are safe on other media in storage. I went to ctown that evening for Maddy's birthday dinner at the Taverne and ended up going out for a few bevvies at Time Out and Imperial. It was fun and by the time the evening was over, a guy I had been chatting with asked me for my number. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did the dishes and some laundry, and took half a barre class. Sunday, I did some laundry, grocery shopped and spring cleaned my bedroom, finally. Monday, I traveled to ctown to watch the solar eclipse with the Goss' and her daycare kiddos. That evening, I met my mom for dinner at Kotos. It was nice and productive and I finally had the courage to ask her about an event that happened a long time ago. It actually was ok and I got a fair amount of information that I'm still processing. Overall, I'm still angry and sad when it comes to the subject of my mother. I don't think she has the capacity to understand. 

The following weekend, I only managed to vacuum my house before getting ready for the first date with the guy I gave my number to. I met him at Black Rock in Springfield and we ended up talking for 3 hours. It's a complicated situation but overall, I actually kind of like him. On my way home, I stopped in Claremont to hang with Shley and fill her in on the evening. Sunday morning, I got up and got ready to meet Maddy for a breakfast and coffee date at the Brownsville Butcher. It was nice chatting and getting to know her as the official adult she recently became. I finished the day with a barre class, laundry, and grocery shopping. My day off that week was Tuesday and I slept in hard core (period tired), took a walk, and did computer stuffies.

Last weekend was lovely. I actually got ready and went out after work. Mike invited me out to celebrate his friend Chris' 40th and it actually was fun. Emilee joined us and we all played pool and had a few drinks. Saturday, I vacuumed my house, did the dishes, started some laundry, and took a bubble bath. Sunday, I spent the afternoon in Warner at Denise's visiting with Erin, Fiath, and Colin. It was quite delightful. I washed my sheets when I got home and called it a day. 

My day off this week is today. I slept in and mainly just wrote this entry. I met Mike for dinner. We took a short walk after around West Leb. It could have been a bit warmer but it was still nice. I think I like him.

I've recently discovered Twiddle.

Quinn got outside the other night while I was on a walk and she was outside for as long as an hour, mostly hiding in the garage. I feel terrible. 

DJT is the biggest, smelliest pile of human shit to have ever existed. 

I love my girls. 

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