Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Dry January, Year 2

 Today is day 1 of a new year and also day 1 of 31 days without sweets. I was successful last January (with the exception of one piece of pumpkin pie) so I decided to do it again this year as I've been out of control since February 1st and I am the heaviest I've been in many years. This month long reset is going to suck but I have to do something to undo all the cheat days I had this past year. I also have to learn how to function and find joy in other things other than overeating...it's increasingly become one of my main sources of joy. I can't live like this forever. And that's enough of that. 

I'm in the midst of another long weekend. 4 days this weekend and 5 last weekend for Christmas. This would never happen in the cath lab. I'll be sticking with EP for a while...unless my fucked up hormones make me explode at some asshole doctor. It's a very real possibility and it seems to get a little more real every month. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm going to last until my March vacation. Anyways, Saturday, I slept in. I did the first half of a Barre class and got ready to go to Ctown to hang out with Emilee. We caught up for a little bit (Logan was in a minor car accident the night before) at her apartment then we picked up her friend Ariel and went to the new Mexican restaurant on Pleasant St. for dinner. We finished the night with a few more drinks at the Crow Bar. It was almost 1 when I got home...fun but I'm too old for late nights and more than 2 drinks lol. Sunday, I had lunch with Dayna and Cory at Trail Break for their last day before they shut down at their current location. We left with a large souvenir lol. I finished the day with a little bit of laundry, the rest of my Barre class and New Years Eve spaghetti and 2023's last pint. Today, I caught up with Sarg, vacuumed the house, took down my christmas decorations, did a pile of dishes, bought groceries, and was supposed to do this entry in its entirety but starting it is better than nothing at all. On that note, I am going to bed and will complete this tomorrow.

Ok, it's tomorrow. So far, I've folded some laundry, put away clean dishes and I just got back from having new tires put on my car down the road at VIP. I went for a walk while they were doing it and I may head out after I finish this to walk some more. It's nice to be out walking and listening to podcasts with all the holiday lights. If I don't, I definitely need to clean my nasty bathroom. I was also supposed to get my garage door fixed (it broke last week) but they canceled because none of their technicians showed up to work today. Oh well...black betty will have to learn to live outside for the near future and hopefully there are no blizzards before it can be fixed. 

It's been over a month so starting where I last left off was before Thanksgiving. That Monday, I had a pest appointment (I'm getting really frustrated with the mice still accessing my basement), decorated for Christmas (nothing too crazy), ran some errands and cleaned my bathroom. I went to Cory and Dayna's for turkey day with the usual crew and had a nice time with lots of delicious food. I worked the following day and we ended up having inpatient work to do. Saturday, I went to Warner to hang out with Denise. We had lunch and went for a little walk and got coffee. We went to a thrift store then a flea market but the flea market had just closed. When I got home, I did a pile of dishes. Sunday, I vacuumed the house, did some laundry, took a walk and cleaned the girls' potty room. 

The following week, I had Tuesday off. I ran some errands, cleaned my fridge and did a living room workout. Saturday, I met up with Erin (we saw Santa) to walk the rail trail and ended up walking for a while longer after she left. Sunday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry, dishes, ran errands and made spaghetti and meal prepped for the week. 

The following week, I had Wednesday off (notice a pattern?) and I was lazy. The only productive thing I did was December's HOA deposit. Hopefully we can all get together soon so I can officially pass the reins off to Geoff. Saturday, I went for a lovely holiday lights drive with D&C&L. We got Starbucks and headed up to the Joseph Smith display. We drove by some more places in Leb and called it a night. When I got home, I did a pile of dishes. Sunday, I did some laundry and grocery shopped. 

The following week, I  had Thursday off. I vacuumed the house, deep cleaned my kitchen, did a living room workout and made a batch of guac for Lynn's birthday the following day. Saturday, I took a long walk and took a bubble bath. Sunday, I started Xmas shopping, made a pumpkin cheesecake, meal prepped, took a barre class, and did the dishes. 

Last, but certainly not least, last weekend was a nice and long holiday weekend. Friday, I finished my Christmas shopping. Saturday, I vacuumed my house and headed to Ctown to my moms to have Christmas dinner with her, Rod, Denise, Faith and Colin. It actually was a nice afternoon and nothing harmful was said. I stopped by the Goss house and visited for a little bit before going home. Sunday, I picked up Sheila and we headed to Belmont to have Christmas with the Carters. It was fun with lots of good food, games and gifts. I was home in plenty of time to have a cozy night with the girls, my Xmas Eve candle and Christmas Vacation. Christmas day, I spent with the girls watching movies and eating leftover baked ziti. I did, however, manage to wash my sheets and do the dishes. The next day, I was supposed to work but I ended up calling out. I was going to get an extra day off anyways so I just took it upon myself and made it a 5 day weekend. I was tired and feeling period icky so whatevs. I slept in, cleaned the girls' potty room and took a walk. Until next month...

Donald Trump is pure evil. Mike Johnson is human garbage.

The girls only knocked over the tree once this year.

George Santos was expelled from congress lol.

I had 2 glasses of wine at the HVC holiday party and told 2 strangers they looked cute together.  

I'm hungry.

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