Thursday, August 3, 2023

Mental Health Day(s)

 This is day 2 of mental health care for me as I am not doing so hot. I have so much swirling around in my head at any given time and I'm just not tolerating my job at all. I was on call Tuesday night and although we didn't get called in, I gave up trying to sleep around 2 and spent the rest of the night on my phone. I dozed a bit but ultimately called out knowing that if I'm barely surviving a normal work day, I sure as hell am not going to do it with no sleep. The alarm went off this morning and I too decided I didn't have the fortitude to get through today (especially knowing that money hungry cards scheduled 3 mitraclips and an angiovac). Ha, fuck that, I'm going back to bed. My current state is also being influenced by the fact that I finally caught up with my bank where my mortgage is and I am scheduled to pay off my house in 3 years. I feel like my financial dependence on nursing isn't long for this world and I am tentatively planning on leaving the profession in 2 years; 20 years of service is enough. There are no words to describe my excitement. At the very least, I will need to be part time. Something's gotta give and it's gotta give sooner than later. 

Last weekend was nice; Saturday was spent in Windsor celebrating 2 moms bringing 60 back. It was fun with good company and lots of food and bevvies. I was sent home with lots of cupcakes and yes my fat ass ate them all over the course of a few days. Sunday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry, went for a walk and fiddled with my pressure washer. I ultimately was able to see what I did wrong although it took Eric's common sense brain at work Tuesday to tell me that I needed to turn the part in question around so that I was screwing the garden hose on at the correct end. I'm an idiot sometimes. Oh well, I crossed something off my to do list and that's what's important (although not soon enough to prevent me from wasting time at the Home Depot on Monday). Speaking of Monday, I was at least able to grocery shop, throw together a yummy pasta salad for the week, and do a pile of dishes. 

I last left off on America's birthday and even though I had the day off, I was still on call the following Saturday so it really wasn't time off. We worked most of the day and I was able to get an hour run in on the treadmill before going home. I did a pile of dishes also  and we had to come in for a quick diagnostic case that evening but no calls in the middle of the night which was great because I did party shopping around town at BJs, Target, the liquor store, the Beverage King and Hannafords. Monday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry, food prepped, called in my Leos party order, spruced up my guest rooms, met with Natalie and Chloe about HOA stuff, and did a living room workout. 

The following weekend was the start of my July vacation and it kicked off with my 40th birthday party at Tracy and Andy's. I got out of work a little early to bring a carful of stuff to their house. Saturday, I woke up, had coffee time, then got pretty and ventured my way to Ctown by way of Newport (to pick up the grinders). I was feeling lucky so I bought a few powerball tickets but I did not win. Overall, I feel like my party was a success although I don't ever want to throw myself a party ever again. I was surprised with a lot of personal decorations and it was so much fun. I was a little disappointed by the number of people who either couldn't make it last minute or flaked out but I'm thankful for those who did come. Tracy and Andy put a lot of hard work into it and I'm forever grateful for them and all my best friends who contributed and made it special. Please refer to pictures on my FB for more details.  

The rest of my vacation played out as such:

Sunday: LAZY! I vacuumed the house and did some laundry.                                                        Monday: I took recently paid off Black Betty in for a service and went for a walk around Lebanon. I did the dishes, computer stuffies, some more laundry, and cleaned the girls' potty room.                                Tuesday: Ran some errands, made a homemade pizza, more laundry, cleaned the girls' food station including taking apart and deep cleaning their water fountain.                                                                    Wednesday: Puttered around the house, finished laundry and went for a walk.                                          Thursday: I deep cleaned the volcano and went to Ctown to grab more stuff from the Currier household. Also stopped by and hung out at the Goss'.                                                                                                  Friday: Ran some errands and hung out and had dinner with the Dickersons.                                            Saturday: Went to Portsmouth to hang out with Denise. She was dog sitting Sophie for Eric and staying at his apartment. We went out for a late lunch and walked around Portsmouth and Strawberry Banke. Took a dip in the pool at the apartment complex and just hung out until bedtime. Sunday, we relaxed and went to Wallis Sands Beach in Rye then had a late lunch/early dinner. I got home around 830 to spend the rest of the evening with my sweet girls. Lots of good therapy from my sissy.                            Monday: I had an eye appointment (I need glasses to drive now), grocery shopped, vacuumed the house, did a pile of dishes, met Natalie and Trista at Gusanoz for dinner, and went for a walk until after dark. The last day of vacation sucks.

The pressure washer dudes fixed my bathroom fan exhaust cover.

Donald Trump was indicted for a third time this week for January 6th. He plead not guilty today in DC for every charge. He is the worst thing to happen to this country in a very long time and seeing him go to jail would be one of the best things to happen in my lifetime. All of his supporters should be blasted out of the atmosphere into outer space where they belong. That is all. 

Oh, PeeWee Herman died. 

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