Sunday, February 26, 2023

Too Many Sweets February

 I am very proud to say (with the exception of a few chocolate chips and a New Year's Day piece of pumpkin pie) I was successful in completing my "dry" January. The pint of ice cream I ate after work February 1st was the best pint I've eaten in my entire life. I lost around 4-5 pounds during January and am well on my way to gaining it right back as I've been unable to reset to my original schedule. It's supposed to be weekends only but I have not been able to get through an entire work week without being a gluttonous pig. The 8 boxes of girl scout cookies I brought home on Valentine's Day certainly have not been helping...I have 2 boxes left. How I'm not 400 pounds remains a mystery. But I digress. Self hatred comes easily to me. Anyways, I should have made this entry last weekend but better late than never I suppose. I was supposed to go to my mom's today to start working on our relationship but we rescheduled for next Sunday due to weather. Instead, I caught up Emilee and had a late breakfast at Lou's, did some laundry, took a Barre class and will be calling it a day once I wrap this up. Yesterday was a lovely day at home with the girls doing normal Saturday stuffies minus a workout. I did take a chunk of time to catch up with Sarg and compose a nastygram to Jeff after he send me a friend request on FB Thursday. Not sure what tomorrow will bring but I do have to run some errands (picking up my new sneaks) and grocery shop.

Starting from where I left off: the weekend of the 20th. Saturday, I managed to vacuum my house before getting ready for Emilee's 40th birthday shenanigans. I picked up her cake before heading to Ctown for dinner at the Common Man. There was a little snafu because they weren't sure if they could accommodate us even though Cassie had tried to make a reservation beforehand but it all worked out, thankfully. Some of us after headed to the Windsor Station for drinks then ended up back in Ctown to finish out the night at the Imperial. It was a good time and much fun and alcohol was had by all. Sunday, I met our new property manager at Gusanoz for a little meeting and was able to share information and pass off some materials to her. Afterwards, I ran some errands and did some laundry. Monday, I meal prepped, did a pile of dishes and a living room workout and took a bubble bath. 

The following weekend was pretty low key. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry and dishes, and read a little bit. Sunday, I finished laundry, ran some errands and took a barre class. Monday, I meal prepped, read a bit, grabbed a new part at Home Depot to finally fix my stupid toilet (also scored a few pints of Pumpkin Cheesecake ice cream from the Target), and finished the day with a living room workout. 

The following weekend was fairly low key as well. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did laundry, dishes, a living room workout, and cleaned the girls' potty room. Sunday, I ran some errands and scooted down to Windsor to visit the Dickerson family. Monday, I did a living room workout and made a shutterfly book for Emilee's birthday. 

The following Saturday, I met the Goss family for lunch at Lui Lui's followed by a little shopping in Leb. I branched off to run a few errands before heading to Ctown to continue hanging out with the Goss'. We spent most of the evening in the basement doing our thing and headed home early enough to find Ben and Jerry's new boston cream pie flavor at the Hannafords. It's one of my favorites now. Yum. Sunday, I vacuumed the house, washed all my bedding, took a walk, did the dishes, and took a bubble bath. Monday, I meal prepped, finished the laundry, went grocery shopping, and took a barre class. 

Last weekend, I spent Saturday doing my usual stuffies. I worked all day Sunday on call and caught up with my Uncle David on the phone. Monday, I ran errands, finally cleaned my bathroom, read a bit and did a living room workout. 

I feel like this entry is pretty short

I almost lost it on my neighbor a few weeks of the biggest bitches I've ever encountered. 

Fox News isn't covering the fact that they peddled election lies to idiots even though they doubted them behind closed doors. 

My right pinky toe is feeling much better.

I really miss Xander. 

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