Sunday, November 6, 2022

Long Road Ahead

 The worst half of the year starts around this time for me. The fact that this weekend has been unusually warm is super helpful but it'll be short-lived. The weather will get cold again, the leaves are gone, I won't see daylight for 4/7 days for months and months, and I won't have another vacation until March (the week I took off in March is a little early but I am accommodating seeing Pepper at Higher Ground!). I went back to work last week after 2 phenomenal weeks off and I felt like a million bucks. It was a good week to feel like a million bucks because firefighter dropped off a STEMI Friday and we were finally able to acknowledge each other since our FB convo years ago. Closure is fantastic. I hope this feeling continues but honestly, it'll also probably be short lived. While it lasts, I'll make the best of it. This weekend has been good so far. Yesterday, I went to an appointment in Newbury. I stopped in New London for some food. Once I got home, I took advantage of the nice weather and went for a walk. I had a long video chat with Sherry which was nice because it had been awhile. We talked about family issues and made plans to work on family ancestry with eventual plans to travel to Europe based on what we find out. I vacuumed the house before calling it a day. Last night was "fall back" so I gained an hour to be lazy and accomplish something. I cleaned out my garage and did a pile of dishes. Bedtime will follow this entry so I can get up at a decent time to do this month's HOA stuff, run errands and go for another nice weather walk. I may do some laundry (I've been having night sweat issues) and my pest company is coming at some point. Mice are finding their way into my basement again. 

I last left off the second weekend in October (only one week to go before a phenomenal 2 weeks off). Saturday, I was on call for 24 but was still able to run in prehab, vacuum the house, do some laundry and the dishes. Sunday, I ran errands including groceries and did a living room workout. Monday, I meal prepped and cleaned my disgusting bathroom. 

The remainder of this entry is going to be more of an outline form because I was actually good about detailing how I spent every day of my vacation. Without further delay, vacation started:

Saturday October 15th: I had a lovely fall day with the Dickerson family. We went to the Norwich Farmer's Market, got donuts at Farmer and the Bell in Quechee, and went to Wellwood Orchards. I spent the rest of the day being lazy because I could!

Sunday: I vacuumed the house, did computer stuffies and a pile of dishes.

Monday: I washed all my bedding, ran some errands and grocery shopped.

Tuesday: Made muffins, took care of my midterm absentee ballot, went for a walk and took a tubby.

Wednesday: I cleaned my bathroom fixtures and window fan, replaced the flapper in my second bathroom (it had been running for a while), and made a meal.

Thursday: Made another meal, did dishes, cleaned my slider track, set up my new coffee maker, and did a Barre class.

Friday: Hung out with the Goss' in ctown after dropping off the rest of Xander's food at the shelter. 

Sat: Vacuumed the house then headed for Southern NH to meet Danielle and her peeps for dinner and Adam Sandler! Made a quick pit stop in Merrimack to rid myself of several pairs of sneakers. On the way down, I found out Lauren Gilstrap killed herself. 

Sunday: The Dickerson's came over to help me move some furniture downstairs and I spent the rest of the afternoon setting up my new TV stand. I eventually got a little refund because I couldn't complete the set up due to some missing pre-drilled screw holes.

Monday: Quinn went to the vet for her annual check up and she was a good girl. I also vacuumed my basement. 

Tuesday: Went for a walk and hung out with my friend Matt.

Wednesday: Slept in and set up my digital picture frame, packing away most of my regular frames.

Thursday: Went for a walk and made a pumpkin cheesecake.

Friday: Vacuumed the house and cleaned my bedroom. Also signed a heating contract last minute. 

Saturday: Laundry, dishes, a living room workout followed by dinner with Megatron at Poor Thom's Tavern. Fun and yums!

Sunday: Finished laundry, removed all my dead hostas (thank you Johnsons for the cart!), took a barre class followed by a tubby.

Monday: Cleaned the kitty potty room, brought Black Betty in for a service and went for a walk during said service, brought some cheesecake to Windsor, and grabbed some groceries on the way home. 

Welp, that was my vacation in a nutshell. The countdown to March is underway. Randoms: I made it halfway through October before turning the heat on. The girls have lost their water fountain privileges. I'm patiently waiting to hear from Cynthia to schedule my Xander tattoo. Nursing is hard but you meet a lot of cool people, even family members who are just as terrified of Trump as I am!

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