Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve and more call blues...

 Tomorrow, unfortunately, is a bit up in the air for a couple of reasons...I am on call until 0700 and who knows what the rest of the night will bring. Hopefully, nothing, because I'm supposed to go to Denise and Eric's but the other issue I may run in to is the weather. It's supposed to snow with some wintry precipitation which is always awesome to drive in...especially 89. I have no choice but to play it by ear and hope for the best. Obviously, being home with my babies would be great but canceling fun plans would be a bummer. Today wasn't bad; we did 3 floor players with an hour run in prehab to follow. I've been home, showered, fed, and have had my yearly viewing of Christmas Vacation. Getting through this would be great and sleeping tonight would be even greater. This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind; NH is getting hit hard with COVID for the first time since this all started and I have volunteered to be an "RN extender" in the CVCC until the need subsides. I am happy to help because I have the experience and no kids so I can sleep when I need to. I'm also working under a team leader and it makes a big difference when ALL of the responsibility is not on my shoulders. I did a shift last Friday then turned around and worked 3 night shifts in a row, starting Sunday night. I am proud to say I survived, although I still haven't fully recovered. I'm also proud I did a quick Barre workout on my peloton app before Sunday night. Flopping back and forth is going to be difficult but this is not forever. I'm going to try to remain positive and focus on what's good about the not taking the cath lab for granted. I'll become a stronger nurse and it'll be nice to get a break from call (except for today), lead, and radiation. Also, an extra day off a week is nice but I am losing 8 hours of pay even though I'm getting critical care float pay. I was supposed to be more productive yesterday but I was still pretty tired so the only productive thing I did was a pile of dishes. I also finally took a tubby and got around to shaving my legs after letting it go for a few weeks. Last weekend was short due to the night shift turnaround so I didn't accomplish much. Saturday, I cleaned up the kitchen, vacuumed, and grocery shopped.

I last left off on the 21st. On the 22nd (Monday), I cleaned up the kitchen, got a massage (I didn't realize how badly I needed it), ran some errands and took a tubby. I had that Thursday off for Thanksgiving so I spent the day at Denise and Eric's. It was low key, quiet, and full of good food, drink, and company. Not to mention, some damn good herbal refreshment. The day before and after the holiday was pretty busy and I got home a little later on Friday. Saturday, I just did the bare minimum. Sunday, I ran some errands and started my low key Christmas decorating. I opted not to set up my tree this year because of Quinn...especially since I have breakable ornaments. Monday, I meal prepped, took Xander to the vet, cleaned up the kitchen and cleaned my bathroom. The vet looked at him and felt pretty sure he had ringworm...but as of yesterday, the sample they took came back negative. We were supposed to start week 5 of an oral antifungal treatment on Monday, but obviously the need is gone. So what the hell is wrong? He's lost so much fur and he's covered in dandruff. His fur is just falling out in clumps. The paranoid part of me wonders if this is the beginning of the end or just a bump in the road? Or maybe my fear is coming true; that I am slowly killing him by adopting Quinn. Back to the vet Monday morning. My poor, sweet baby boy. I'm not ready for this.

The following weekend was a bit more productive. Saturday, I got up and went to Barre then scooted across the street for a hair appointment (thankfully, Hanover parking was free). From my hair appointment, I scooted to Newbury. I had rescheduled my appointment from the previous Saturday because I was feeling a little yucky from lady issues and just didn't feel like going anywhere. Once I got home, I vacuumed my house, did a pile of dishes and called it a day. Sunday, I did some laundry, HOA stuff, threw on my head lamp and headed outside to put up some Christmas decorations and take care of my dead hostas. I ended the evening with a tubby. On Monday, I got my car serviced, ran some errands (finally got my KAF visit it), meal prepped and cleaned up the dishes. I did not see one employee at that dealership wearing a mask in the midst of the worst NH surge. Idiots.

The following weekend was pretty low key as well. I guess I've kind of decided to be socially distant until NH COVID numbers go down. I was supposed to go to Ashley's Sunday for Xmas stuff but we decided not to to play it safe; also because we are both going to be tired. I am supposed to spend the night tomorrow and it just seems too much for me now to come home, feverishly get ready and turn around and drive to Claremont. Anyways, I want to be home as much as possible for Xander, too. That Saturday, I did my stuffies and grocery shopped. I randomly ran into Lindsay Batchelder at Hannafords. I didn't really talk to her in HS but I decided to initiate a conversation anyways because that's who I am now. Sunday, I made scones, did some laundry, took a walk, did some computer stuff and meal prepped. Monday, I cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned the litter box room, ran some errands and took a walk. 

My erratic schedule is going to make this more difficult to organize moving forward but hopefully this stint is short lived. 

It's Quinn's first Christmas and I hope with all my heart it's not Xander's last. 

The RHC bike has finally been retired. 

Don was MC's Watchman rep in TN not too long ago...A. What are the odds? and B. GROSS

Speaking of Watchman, Uncle Paul got one December 9th and it went very well.

Uncle Pete sent me a binder with handwritten Granny recipes :)

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