Thursday, June 13, 2024

June Staycation and Graduations Galore

 This entry is loooooong overdue but I'm going to stop short of bashing myself and acknowledge that it's a combination of procrastination and being super busy. The procrastination stops here so let's get to it. I am officially halfway through my June staycation and it's been phenomenal so far. Friday was my birthday and unlike the previous few years, I failed to take it off so I spent it working but Sue did get me out a little early. I spent the rest of my birthday relaxing with Mike, eating Moes and watching Breaking Bad. It was so nice to finally have a good birthday. Mike slept over and we got up at a decent time because I needed to get ready and leave the house by a little after 1100 to head down to Milford for graduation festivities. I sat in the bleachers with Danielle's family and watched Madison graduate from high school. The weather was decent and we headed to the party venue after pictures. The party was fun, beautiful and delicious. I stuck around a bit to help clean up and was home by 10ish. Sunday, I slept in (scaring Mike a little) and only accomplished vacuuming the house before Mike came over for the night. We relaxed, had dinner and binged more BB. Monday, I did some laundry and took a walk before Mike came back for the night. Tuesday, I got up for a doctor's appointment and was only able to accomplish a pile of dishes before Mike came back for the night. Wednesday, I got up for my annual dermatology appointment, ran some errands afterward and relaxed before getting ready to head to Ctown for Maria's 8th grade graduation. I stopped in at my moms afterward for a bit then headed home with a little pit stop in Cornish. After I accomplish this today, I'm doing some form of exercise calling it a day.   

I last left off with a week left in April and a lot has happened since then. I've been busy but my dating life has been blown out of the water a bit. When I stopped by my mom's last night, I verbalized for the first time that I think Mike is the one. Yeah, you heard me. Part of my procrastination today involved going back and rereading some of our exchanges via text and messenger and all I did was smile. This is so crazy to me. I really like him and I'm very happy. No one knows what the future will bring but I'm very much enjoying the present and everything just seems right. That's all I can say right now. Anywho, the last weekend in April was nice. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did a 1/2 barre class, and cleaned the girls' potty room. I met Mike in Cornish and we headed to Time Out to play mini golf. We grabbed a bite to eat at the Common Man then met Emilee and Ariel at the Imperial for a few drinks. Sunday, I took a little trip to Danville to run an errand then hung out at the Skorstad household up the road for a bit. My day off that week was Thursday. I ran some errands, grocery shopped and Mike came over for the first time. He made up pizza with a legit pizza stone. 

The following weekend was fairly productive. Saturday, I vacuumed the house, did dishes and some laundry, went for a walk and skipped down to Ctown to watch Maddy's last grand march. Sunday, I did some laundry, grabbed some groceries and made spaghetti sauce. 

The following weekend was my long weekend and quite eventful. Friday, I vacuumed the house, did a half barre class and spent the rest of the evening with Mike (polishing off a bottle of wine in the process). Saturday, I drove down to Keene to watch Faith graduate from her master's program. We went to Margarita's after for a late lunch then I headed to Amy and Brian's to visit for a few hours. It was so great to finally see them; it had been since before covid times. On my way back home, I stopped to see Mike and met Jan and Buzz. Sunday, I spent the majority of the afternoon at my moms for mother's day and also decided to take the spool bed. Monday, I did laundry and dishes, grocery shopped, popped in in Windsor to play with Lyd for a bit then headed back home to hang out with Mike. We mistakenly decided to get Peking Tokyo (never again) for dinner and I ended up calling out of work the next day because my tummy was upset. I slept super late and around dinner time, I realized with certainty I had lost the UTI battle. Urgent care couldn't help me but Lauren saved me and was feeling better in no time. I hate being a girl. Oh and I also threw together a ham and rice casserole. 

The following weekend, I vacuumed the house, took a walk, and went to Windsor to hang. Lydia was passed out already so we hung out by the fire. Sunday, I did some laundry, cleaned my bathroom, and went to Mike's softball game in Ctown. He drove us on his motorcycle and it was stupid fun. Unfortunately, they lost their game. Tuesday, I did a half barre class, ran some errands and spent the rest of the day with Mike. He put in my AC and met Chloe and Geoff. 

The following weekend, I got some stuff done on Saturday. I did some laundry, computer stuffies, and vacuumed the house. My mom and Rod delivered the spool bed and I went to Ctown to hang out with Ashley as she has been having a really hard time. I took a bubble bath when I got home from Ctown. Sunday, I did the dishes, took a half barre class and went to a Memorial Day party with Mike at his friend's house. It was super fun and so was our first sleepover that night. Monday, we just relaxed, went to the grocery store, started rewatching BB. I made mac and cheese. My day off that week was Wednesday; I slept in, cleaned the volcano and the girls' potty room, and took a walk.

The following weekend was a Simone weekend. I vacuumed the house then got ready to head to Ctown to watch Simone's softball game. She came home with me afterward and once we were settled, we went out to do some shopping. We had Lui Luis for dinner and went out for ice cream. We watched movies and stayed up late. Sunday, we got up and had breakfast at Starbucks then headed to Tilton for some shopping. On the way back to Claremont, we stopped for some pizza and a little visit at CSC. Mike was at my house when I got home and he spent the night. 

I got an 8% raise in May. Union efforts are paying off, apparently. 

I have officially been in my house for 10 years.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

It's going to be a great summer.

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