Sunday, September 30, 2018


I just got off the phone with Becca. Holy balls it's been 6 years since I've seen her and I'm sure just as long since I've heard her voice. So crazy. We didn't talk for that long but we seemed to pick up right where we left not much time has passed. I feel bad for her. She doesn't work or have a driver's license and is living off social security. I guess I never realized how bad that car accident was back in 2007. She really wants me to come to Manchester to visit tomorrow but I guess it depends on how the rest of my call shift goes, although I doubt I will be driving to Manchester tomorrow even if I do sleep tonight. I've planned out my day already. Anways, regardless, we will be hanging out soon when it's convenient for both of us. 6 years. I've been home this whole weekend and I kind of want to continue this trend of productivity. I took a little break, however, and sat outside for a little bit yesterday to warm up in the sun. I've been so cold lately but I'm seeing how long I can go before turning on my heat. I usually give in pretty early but September is way too early.

So far, fall has been a little busy for me. The first weekend in September started with a bang as I finally sold the silver bullet for $3000 and watched it drive away that Saturday morning. Bittersweet. A couple from Charlestown bought for their teenage daughter...the scenario I was hoping for. She seemed sweet and I hope they take good care of it. A chapter closed here and a new life for the silver bullet. I went to Claremont that night to hang out with the Goss'. We enjoyed our usual evening after picking up Cantina take out (plus a margarita) and a brief stop at Christina's house to look at key fobs and lanyards and hear about the challenges of raising teenagers. Poor Christina. I hope the Pink Smock works out for her and she becomes a local success! The next day, Emilee came up and we went to brunch at the Skinny Pancake and washed it down with bubble teas. We ended up going for a walk on the Rail Trail before she headed home. It was nice to spend time with her although it always makes me depressed to hear about the trials and tribulations of her life. I really hope she finds someone who treats her the way she deserves to be treated. The following day was Labor Day but it didn't feel like a holiday because I usually have Mondays off so it felt like a normal week. I went for a sweaty bike ride. We had our annual HOA meeting on the 6th.

The following weekend was pretty uneventful until Sunday. I got my house pressure washed in the morning then headed to Harpoon for the Mac and Cheese fest. I met up with Dayna and Cory and some of my coworkers. I only tried about half of the vendors and had a couple beers before calling it a day and heading to Claremont to drop off my computer at my moms. I ended up playing with Simone for a couple hours before heading back home. I also acquired a bunch of Simone hand me downs to donate but yet they remain in my trunk to this day. Hopefully getting rid of them soon as my coworker may take stuff and a new Listen Center is opening up down the road in the old furniture building. That Monday, I got a hair cut.

The following weekend was fun too as I headed to the Brewfest in Claremont Saturday with Emilee. We were there for a couple of hours then headed to the Cantina with a group of her friends (H wasn't working that night) but I ended up leaving to run a few errands before I was due at Ashley's house for her birthday. I had ordered a cake from Lou's and had them put a heinous picture of her from England on it. It was the best 50 bucks I ever sent. I picked it up Saturday morning and it came out pretty darn good lol. Jen was also there. We hung out in the basement watching Ashley drink her Margaritas and partaking in our usual activities. We ordered Tremont take out, hung out with Christina for a little bit, and overall just had a fun birthday time. The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful although I'm pretty sure I went for a bike ride on the rail trail. A guy stopped me because my tire pressures were low...I thought I was just out of shape but apparently my inflator is way wrong and not telling the truth. I guess I should address that and also the fact that my bike is a little wonky after crushing it between the silver bullet and my garage. Anyways, he ended up inflating them for me and the rest of my ride was a breeze.

Las weekend was my call weekend but I swapped last Saturday for today to help someone out. Friday was a 16 hour day but we didn't have to come in again that night. Saturday I stayed home doing some odds and ends...cleaned my kitchen because they had installed my new slider Thursday and Friday and I felt like gross work boots had walked all over my house. I only had to in for one case Sunday morning so I was able to get stuff done for the rest of the day. I meal prepped and chatted with Granny before going to bed. Monday, I scrubbed my living room and decided to catch up with Cora which turned out to be quite interesting as it generated conversations with my mom and Pete throughout the week. I won't go into detail but being understanding of who someone is and where they come from can change the way you feel and deal with unsavory things they may say or do. Cora is who she is but it's not quite enough to dissolve our existing relationship. Doesn't mean it's not a possibility in the future if she continues to cause trouble and create drama. If anything, I feel bad for her, so we are still planning on taking her out for a ladies lunch in a couple weeks.

Work has been work. I'm still continuing interacting with my boss as little as possible. I don't know why it took so long for his true colors to come out but better late than never I suppose. Just can't stand the sight of him anymore. In other news, John Flynn has officially accepted the house supervisor position. The biggest source of cath lab sunshine will be leaving us in a month. I only have 2 more weeks with him as I will be on vacation during his last week. Why do the good people leave?! We had a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday and it was (mostly) the biggest bullshit ego-stroking event I've witnessed in a while. There was, however, a giant sheet cake from Lou's. I may have taken a piece or 2 home and broken my rule. Sad face.

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